A Prayer for Your Child with Special Needs

Jenn Soehnlin

Friday, November 15, 2024

I have two sons, ages 12 and 14, both in middle school. Between the two of them, we’re at 14 diagnoses and counting. They are my greatest pride and joy, and to be honest, my greatest source of stress and worry. I’ve never prayed for anything in my life as much as I’ve prayed for these two. Maybe you can relate, and that’s why you’ve found yourself here.

There are many things we can be praying for our child with special needs, but here is a prayer to cover them from head to toe. I love incorporating God’s Word in my prayers, so you’ll find God’s Word and the Scripture references throughout.

Make it personal to your child and their needs. May this prayer encourage your prayers for your child(ren).

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for ___ (child’s name). I know that ___ is a gift from you, fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 149:13). I thank you for gifting ___ with a unique personality, gifts, strengths, and talents, especially for ___ (share with God the things you love about your child).

I pray that you would bless ___ ’s mind. Help ___ to grow in wisdom and in their knowledge and understanding (James 1:5) of you and of the world you’ve created. I pray that you would help ___ to grow in skills and understanding (Daniel 1:17), especially in ___ (list areas/skills you want your child to grow.)

I pray that you would bless ___ ’s heart. I thank you that you love ___ and hold them close to your own heart (Isaiah 40:11). May ___ grow to love you and love others more (Mark 12:30-31). Thank you that you require faith like a child to be saved (Matthew 18:1-5). May ___ receive your love and grace into their heart and be saved (Ephesians 2:3-5). Please remove any hard places in ___ ’s heart, give them a soft heart (Ezekiel 36:26-27) toward you and toward others. May ___ experience your peace and joy in their heart, may their hearts overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).

I pray that you would bless ___ ’s ears. Help them to have open ears to hear (Matthew 11:15) your whispers of love and truth to their hearts. Help ___ to have open ears to hear and understand the words and the nonverbal communication of those around them.

I pray that you would bless ___ ’s eyes. Help them to be open to see the wondrous things you are doing in their world around them (2 Kings 6:17). May ___ ’s eyes be opened from darkness to your light (Acts 26:18). May ___ ’s eyes be open to those around them and share your love with them (1 Corinthians 10:24).

I pray that you would bless ___ ’s mouth. I pray that each spoken or non-verbal form of communication would be fitly spoken and treasured by those around them (Proverbs 25:11). I thank you that you know every word on my child’s mind (Psalm 139:3-4), especially when I don’t know or can’t understand what they are trying to say. I pray that you would help ___ grow in their speech and communication, especially ___ (pray for your child’s current speech and communication needs). Help me to know and understand ___ ’s needs when they can’t communicate it well and to advocate for them, just as Aaron was able to do for his brother Moses when he struggled with his speech (Exodus 4:10-16). Thank you that just as you used Moses despite his issues with speech, you can use ___ as well.

I pray that you would bless ___ ’s back. Help ___ to grow in physical health and stature (Luke 2:52a). I pray that you would surround ___ with physical and spiritual protection. May they stand strong with the belt of truth buckled around their waist, and the breastplate of righteousness in place (Ephesians 6:14). May they have full confidence that you are with them and for them (2 Chronicles 32:8).

I pray that you would bless ___ ’s hands. May your favor shine upon ___ and the work of their hands (Psalm 90:17). Equip ___ with the strength and perseverance they need to do the tasks before them (Hebrews 13:21). May ___ 's hands be strong yet gentle. Help ___ to ___ (list any areas where your child needs help with certain tasks).

I pray that you would bless ___ 's feet. Help ___ to walk with you always and according to your commands and desires for their life (Deuteronomy 5:33). Help ___ to walk in strength and to not grow weary (Isaiah 40:31). May they persevere and not tire of doing what is good and necessary (2 Thessalonians 3:13), especially when they have to work so much harder than others to learn new things. Help them to stand strong in their beliefs and in the ways that matter to you (1 Corinthians 16:13-14).

It is in your holy and mighty name we pray,

If you’re looking for more resources and encouragement to help you in your faith and your prayer life as a special needs parent, I hope my books will be a blessing and an encouraging resource for you:

Embracing This Special Life will help guide you toward hope, spiritual victory, and renewed purpose in your special needs parenting journey. You will find a list of Scriptures to pray for your child(ren) with special needs at the end of the book.

On the Same Page with God is filled with compelling narratives, biblical insights, practical prayer strategies, and lists of Scriptures to pray on a variety of topics (including your children) to help you revitalize your prayer life and deepen your faith with the practice of praying God’s Word.

If you would like to receive a list of additional Scriptures to pray for your child with special needs (and for yourself as a special needs parent) please subscribe below.