One day I was experiencing an unusually hard day. I was frustrated with my children who had missed their nap because we had been at an appointment that lasted way longer than it should have and now t...
I went for a walk the other day, just soaking in God's creation unfurling after a long winter, when I happened upon a flower growing through a crack in the road. At first, I was sad for it. There w...
As the school year approaches, and we find ourselves busy buying supplies and new clothes and doing other tasks to get ready for the new school year, I start to feel a little anxious. Will our kids h...
I overheard two expectant mamas talking in a Chick-fil-A play area. They sat together on one bench, while their 3 or 4 year-old boys played together, and they each were expecting a boy. I watched my ...
Prayer is powerful and the fact that you want to pray for your children is an awesome thing. No matter the age, ability, and personality of your children, they need our prayers. It is a privilege as ...
When your child receives a diagnosis, (or several, like both of my sons) it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by emotions, overwhelmed by all the things to learn and do to care for your child,...
One day, it felt like everything that could go wrong on a simple outing with my two boys with special needs, did go wrong. We experienced not one, not two, but three epic meltdowns. My older son was ...
I remember a time, several years ago when my kids were about two and four, when I joined a MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) group. I was excited to have provided childcare and a break from all the ther...
I've watched Finding Nemo and Finding Dory multiple times, but it didn't hit me until recently that both Nemo's and Dory's parents are special needs parents and they have different approaches to rais...
There’s a verse in Isaiah that I have found very encouraging and reassuring for parents, especially as a parent of two children with special needs. “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers...
I’ll admit, it is easy to focus our time and attention on our children’s personalities and development and behaviors and skills and busy schedules and overlook the fact that we should be teaching and...
This special needs parenting journey is no joke. And being a Christian special needs parent adds in the struggle of trusting that God has a plan for your good and your child's good amidst all the wor...
We love our children fiercely. Like Maya says in the second episode of Speechless, when told to not worry about her son JJ, who has cerebral palsy, she said "I can't. He's my whole world." I totally ...