Prayer in and of itself is powerful. When you combine it with Scripture, well, let's just say you should be prepared to see some mighty things happen. It is very important to pray for your family ...
My heart lately has been burdened by events and attitudes I see unfolding around me in the United States. We aren't united. We are divided by political parties and beliefs. It breaks my heart. And I ...
We take measures to protect our home. We lock windows and doors and install security systems and we buy insurance just in case something should happen. All are smart measures to protect your loved on...
My husband and I met at college, while we were both involved in an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. Our final year of college, I started experiencing an intense spiritual battle. My b...
Insecurity: (noun) Uncertainty or anxiety about oneself. Lack of confidence. Insecurity is a feeling I know all too well. It tells me I'm not good enough. That I'm failing. That I'm not worthy....
We all want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We all want to know what our purpose is while we are on earth, hence the reason The Purpose-Driven Life quickly became a bestselling book wi...
I love learning more about the practice of prayer (especially praying God's Word) and I love to read, so let's just say I've read a lot of books about prayer. Today, I'd like to share my absolute fav...
As the school year approaches, and we find ourselves busy buying supplies and new clothes and doing other tasks to get ready for the new school year, I start to feel a little anxious. Will our kids h...
Prayer is powerful and the fact that you want to pray for your children is an awesome thing. No matter the age, ability, and personality of your children, they need our prayers. It is a privilege as ...
The recent events unfolding in the world have made it clearer than ever: the world needs our words of hope and truth. There are times to be silent and listen and learn, and there are times to speak t...
Ms. Clara says in the opening scene of the movie War Room , “War. It’s been part of humanity in every age…There always seems to be something to fight for. But one thing that has been true of every wa...
Marriage is a beautiful covenant, but it takes work. Commitment. Communication. Love. Forgiveness. And a whole lot of prayer. Satan is always trying to sneak into our marriages, distracting us with...
Amidst the busyness of life and the familiarity for many of us of the Gospel stories about Jesus’ death and resurrection we may find ourselves losing the reverence, awe, surrender, and joyful celebra...
The breath is central to life in our bodies and unfortunately fear and anxiety can wreak havoc on our breath. When you’re feeling fearful or worried, your heart begins to pound, you take shallow brea...
Christmas is always a busy time of year. There’s decorations to put up, gifts to buy, parties to attend, memories to make. There’s pressure to have Pinterest perfect decor and the best Christmas expe...
We all know that praying is powerful and that we should be praying for our families. But sometimes, it can feel like we're praying for the same things over and over and we can get discouraged because...
As Dorothy says "There's no place like home." Home is a place each and every family member should feel safe and secure in. A place each member longs to come to after a tiring day of running errands o...
When both of my young sons received hard diagnoses, I found myself praying often for their healing, for God to do a miracle in their lives and their bodies. I clung to the Scripture that God was a mo...
Note: The following is an excerpt from my book On the Same Page with God: Embracing the Power of Praying Scripture . Disclaimer: This article does include Amazon affiliate links. Should you click...
A few years ago, after reading Beth Moore’s book Praying God’s Word , I discovered the joy of praying Scripture over various topics that were important to me, such as praying scriptures for my marria...
Fear has played a huge role in my life in a few areas of my life. Fear can be paralyzing, or make us do things that make no sense. It gets us nowhere, but we still struggle with it. I've worried ab...
A few years ago, after reading Beth Moore's amazing Praying God's Word , I discovered the joy of praying Scripture over various topics that were important to me, such as praying Scriptures for my mar...
If you want to grow your prayer life, I can't think of a better companion than On the Same Page with God . What a beautiful and important book! —Joanna Weaver, best-selling author of Having a Mar...
I am not a stranger to anxiety. I was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety and put on medication after my second son was born. Before that anxiety seemed to be fully managed, I found myself struggling w...
Recorded in all four Gospels we read the story of several men who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing. Jesus was teaching in a house surrounded by people listening to His teachings. D...
I don’t know about you, but many times when I sit down to pray, my mind begins to wander to things I need to do or other random thoughts. I love going for prayer walks, connecting with God in His cre...
Back in the 6th century, a group of monks began a spiritual practice called lectio divina , a Latin phrase which means ‘divine reading.’ Lectio divina is a prayer practice in which you read a passage...
The playground was bustling with laughter and movement, but my boys, then just two and four years old, played in their own quiet way. After a speech therapy session, we stopped at a nearby park, a fa...