The words of a loved one have a lot of weight and power. I’m sure you’ve had a loved one say something to you that hurt. Whether intentionally or intentionally, those words have stuck with you. But...
When something unexpected happens in our life, or in our world, it's easy for us to ask God why it happened. We want to live the blessed "abundant life" (John 10:10b) that Jesus said He was bringing,...
Have you ever questioned if God really loves you? If He really cares? I know I have. Especially when I'm going through a hard time. I remember many years ago I was experiencing an unusually hard ...
We give gifts because we want to bless someone. We're excited to see how they will respond to and use a gift we think they will enjoy. Sometimes we can be just as excited about giving someone a gift ...
I grew up believing in God and experiencing God's blessings. Then when I became a mother, God suddenly felt very far away. Both of my boys, born two years apart, received various diagnoses, that ke...
I dunno about you, but I love reading, especially reading books that will nurture my faith and my heart. Yet no matter how much I read, my to-read list always seems to be getting longer and longer. T...
Have you ever felt let down by God, because something in life didn't go the way you planned? Have you ever wondered if God really cares because He seems very silent or distant to your current strug...
When we are going through hard or challenging situations, it is easy to question why God would allow such hard things to happen. Or when we're still struggling with the same issues years later, we qu...
For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to Ruth from the Bible. Her devotion to her mother-in-law is inspiring. Her happily ever after is beautiful. But I've been thinking about what qualiti...
Life has been hard lately, and I've found myself clinging to Psalm 23. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He lies me down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters, he restores...
It's a new year and a new opportunity to dedicate our plans and our ministries to God. No matter what time of year it is you read this, or whether you are about to launch a new ministry, or already i...
I’ll admit, it is easy to focus our time and attention on our children’s personalities and development and behaviors and skills and busy schedules and overlook the fact that we should be teaching and...
I met up with a friend from college recently and we decided to spend the afternoon at a lake. We enjoyed dipping our toes into the cold water. Walking barefoot on the rocky sand. Feeling the sun on o...
Thanksgiving is just a few days away and I am super excited. I love the fun times with family gathered around the table. The food, oh my goodness, the food! Potatoes and turkey and stuffing (oh my!) ...
David had a lot of crazy stuff happen to him before he became king. King Saul, his own father-in-law and the father of his best friend Jonathan, became jealous of David. Saul wanted David dead and ch...
"You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you can't have both." -Brene Brown I was so encouraged by the above quote. I printed it out and put it above my desk determine...
I've been reading the historical fiction book Iscariot: A Novel of Judas by Tosca Lee . It is interesting to think about what Judas may have been like and his motivations that led to him betraying J...
Several years ago, I joined a group for Christian moms of young children. At the beginning of the first meeting we were to introduce ourselves to the other moms at our round table by saying our name,...
Esther is one of my favorite heroines in the Bible. And several weeks ago, I was rereading the book of Nehemiah. This time, I couldn't help but see all the similarities between Nehemiah and Esther. H...
I love my husband dearly. But like most couples, we are opposites in many ways. No matter how much we argued or discussed the areas we differed or wanted the other to be more like us, neither of us c...
I read a meme once that said that a worried mother can do more research and find more answers than the FBI. And I have to admit, it feels true in my life. I'm sure the FBI do a fabulous job of resear...
Worship is the feeling or expression of adoring God. We use the word worship to talk about the music portion of a church service, but it really is so much more than that. It is any way of expressing ...
Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "Comparison is the thief of joy." Whether you've heard that expression or not, I'm sure you've experienced before just how comparison can rob you of joy. We all do it. ...
This blog has always been about embracing things in life. But I'm learning you can't fully embrace something if you're clinging closely to something that is not good for you. The next few months we'l...
There is a story in the Bible that I love in Mark 5:24-34. This is the story of a woman who had been suffering a bleeding issue for 12 years and who with great faith, experienced more types of healin...
Memorizing God's Word helps your heart to be molded more like God's . As David said in Psalm 119:11, “I have hidden your word in my heart so that I might not sin against you.” David memorized, sa...
In John 8 we meet a woman. We don’t know her name or much about her at all, except for her sin. She was caught in adultery, and religious leaders (and probably a crowd interested in seeing a woman st...
The other day I attempted to make red velvet cupcakes. From scratch. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm not much of a baker or cook and hubby has a few stories he could share with you about epic...
Choosing a godly characteristic that God wants for you in your life truly has the ability to transform your life. Seriously. Resolutions are hard to keep. Goals are hard to meet, no matter how man...
I remember being so overwhelmed with anxiety and so desperate for peace in my circumstances, that I looked up every verse I could find about peace. There is a plethora of verses. Peace is definitely ...
I am not a stranger to anxiety. When I was growing up, it simply came and went depending on various situations I was in. But shortly after my second son was born, I found myself battling a whole new ...
When I learned I was going to become a mother, the excitement was indescribable. I imagined the things I would do with my child, the play dates, the art projects we could do, the books we’d read, and...
What does it mean to be saved? What is salvation, and how do we get it? My journey to understand these concepts began from childhood. I grew up in a Catholic background, believing in and loving God a...
You love God with all your heart and soul and mind, and then life happens. Whether it's the busyness of life, or something painful happened in your life, it's not hard to find yourself not connecting...
When I first held my precious son in my arms, I had dreams of what he would do and become. I didn't expect that within the first four years of his life my son would receive six diagnoses that would m...
God is the giver of dreams, and one day He will drop one into your heart that both excites and terrifies you. You may jump all in and follow your God-given dream or hesitate to get started, but at so...
I'll be honest, I've been struggling quite a bit with obedience. God has called me to do something that terrifies me. And as is often the case, God has brought a few messages to my heart from a passa...
This mom thing is a hard gig. Sure, it's got its rewards, but it can be exhausting, and you can lose yourself in it. You can become so consumed in parenting that you forget who you are and what you'r...
I once watched a beautiful French commercial for Dove soap , in which women were asked to write in a journal every time they had a thought about themselves and turn the journals in. Later on, two a...
I'm sure we've all had expectations and we've gotten upset when our expectations weren't met. For example, I expected to do lots of fun things with my children, go on lots of play dates and adventu...
For the past several years I’ve had one New Year’s Resolution: Make a Meaningful Connection with 100 People in a Year. I’ve learned a lot over the past several years of widening my circle, like to ...
I thought I knew everything about how to live a life of faith and hope. I’m that person who once thought they had it all together - until I was diagnosed with the devastating news of having stage III...